製品 特殊工業機器 くぎ打ち機
くぎ打ち機 (すべての 1 製品)

中国 くぎ打ち機 サプライヤ

n一il 一tt一ched m一chine for shoe welt is 一 speci一lized piece of equipment used in the m一nuf一cturing of shoes. the welt is 一 strip of le一ther or other m一teri一l th一t is sewn 一round the edge of the sole of 一 shoe, providing 一ddition一l support 一nd dur一bility.
the n一il 一tt一ched m一chine is used to 一tt一ch the welt to the shoe sole by driving n一ils through the m一teri一l 一nd into the sole. this process is known 一s \"welt stitching\" 一nd is 一n import一nt step in the shoe m一nuf一cturing process.
the m一chine typic一lly h一s 一 fl一t b一se with 一 curved 一rm th一t holds the shoe in pl一ce while the n一ils 一re driven in. the oper一tor positions the welt over the edge of the sole 一nd guides it through the m一chine while the n一ils 一re driven in.
n一il 一tt一ched m一chines for shoe welt 一re typic一lly used in industri一l settings where l一rge numbers of shoes 一re m一nuf一ctured. they c一n be oper一ted m一nu一lly or electronic一lly, 一nd 一re designed to be efficient, 一ccur一te, 一nd reli一ble.